
Buy Boldenone Acetate 200mg Online

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Buy Boldenone Acetate 200mg Online

Buy Boldenone Acetate 200mg Online, Due to a different ester attached to it, boldenone acetate is popularly called “short acting Equipoise.” In fact, it is a veterinary steroid that is most known for use in horse racing, and it has never been approved for human use. However, boldenone acetate is a somewhat widespread injectable anabolic steroid among bodybuilders.


In order to understand how this particular acetate version of boldenone differs from the normal one with the undecylenate ester, we must first understand what esters and half life mean. The most popular version of Equipoise (EQ) is the undecylenate version with a half life of 14 days, whilst the acetate ester’s half life is just 3 days. Obviously, this is a huge disparity. Contrary to popular belief raised on most steroid forums, half life does not refer to how long a compound will be active in the body, and it actually takes several half lives before the compound’s esters totally go out of your system. Furthermore, this is also dependent on how much time you have given the compound to ‘build up’, since one or two injections is not the same as 10 injections. Once the compound reaches peak level in your system, it will take approximately 3-4 half lives for it to clear out in most cases. Therefore, with the “Undecylenate” ester of Equipoise, it will take 5-6 weeks to leave the system compared to 1-2 weeks with the acetate version. Hence, half life simply refers to the period of time needed for the concentration of the drug to be reduced by 1/2 of the given amount. Thus, in the case of the acetate ester, if you inject 100 milligrams (mgs) of acetate then after 3 days (length of time of half life) you will have 50mgs still present in the body; then after 3 more days only 25mg, and so on.

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