
Buy Methenolone Acetate Online




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Buy Methenolone Acetate Online

Buy Methenolone Acetate Online  (methenolone acetate), all things being equal, is an excellent oral steroid drug. Unlike most other oral steroids, Primobolan is not 17-alkylated and does not have liver toxicity problems. Methenolone is perhaps only half as potent by the oral route as by injection, so dosages need to be high, at least 100 and preferably 200-300 mg per day, but if that can be afforded it is an excellent drug. It is unusual among oral steroids as being Class I, binding well to the androgen receptor.

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1. CAS No.:434-05-9
2. EINECS:207-097-0
3. Appearance: White or off-white crystalline powder
4. Assay: 99%
5. Uses: Primobolan is a good base compound in a stack and can produce results just slightly below that of nandrolone and is best used in a cutting stack. Because Primobolan doesn’t aromatize, there is no use for Clomid or Nolvadex.


Primobolan Depot is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone. It is the same compound as the one in Primobolan Orals (methenolone acetate), both produced by Schering. In this injectable version, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which makes for a slow and gradual release from the site of injection.


The typical “safe” dosage for men is 100-200mg per week, a level that should produce at least some noticeable muscle growth. In European medicine it is not uncommon for Primobolan to be used safely at such a dosage for extended periods of time.

Among athletes, men may respond to weekly doses of 200mg but regular users will often inject much higher doses looking for a stronger anabolic effect. It is not uncommon for a bodybuilder to take as much as 600 or 800mg per week, a range which appears to be actually quite productive. Of course androgenic side effects may become more pronounced with such an amount, but in most instances it should still be quite tolerable.

Women respond well to a dosage of 50-100mg per week, although (as stated above) the oral should usually be given preference. Additionally, some choose to include Winstrol Depot or Oxandrolone and receive a greatly enhanced anabolic effect.

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